c++ - what's the type of 'struct random_data* buf'? -

i'd have instance variable of "struct random_data*" used in

int random_r(struct random_data *buf, int32_t *result); 

i've tried declaring as

"struct random_data* instancebuf;"
"random_data* instancebuf;"

but compiler doesn't of it.
how should declare variable?


ah,, api linux, , i'm on mac(bsd) :(

oh wait, linux only? http://www.gnu.org/s/libc/manual/html_node/bsd-random.html


struct random_data buff; int x = random_r (&buff, ...); 

is easiest solution. you'll have make sure that structure has been defined.

and, if buffer required long lived (like seed), make sure it's defined somewhere large scope (global or class-level, example).


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