Access - Tricky SQL statement -

i have access database contacts, phone numbers, fax, mobile. example:

table: numbers  name       number      type george     555555      phone george     656565      phone george     323232      fax michael    656565      phone john       323232      fax steve      234345      mobile 

i want select person has phone number 656565 and fax number 323232, namely here george , not michael or john. (name foreign key if helps) sql statement?

one possibility set out below, answer will, think, depend on [name] being unique key in whatever table from:

select [name] numbers  type = 'phone'  , [number] = '656565' , [name] in          (select [name] numbers       type = 'fax'       , [number] = '323232') 

i have assumed number text field because phone numbers stored text.


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