php - Symfony, Doctrine Guard Plugin, generator.yml file, customizing by using another module -

i using symfony 1-4 , sfdoctrineguardplugin.

my question is, on doctrine guard plugin know each module came generator.yml. , need customize generator.yml. example, need display table's (module's) column.

// example @ x module , need sort according table's/module's column ...

sort: [x, asc] // x not on module

same thing list/display. need display column not on current module...

i couldn't find on web. lot sharing idea and/or information, erman.

  1. never mind customize file directly in plugin's dir.
  2. override generator.yml copying application's module. module must same name in plugin. see "anatomy of plug-in".
  3. symfony not provide built-in functionality sort items columns don't present in current model. have manually overriding addsortquery method in actions class. see "symfony 1.4 admin generator sort on custom column".

hope help.


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