PHP Sessions on Auto-Scaling Servers -

i'm working on php web app deployed amazon web services. have load balancers in front of auto-scaled application servers.

the problem we're facing @ moment handling sessions. while sticky sessions reasonable solution, we'd persist sessions quite long time (weeks ideally). impair performance of load balancer on time. also, using auto-scaling mean that, time time, we'll remove server , lose of active sessions on it. of course, use common database store sessions, i'm bit concerned performance if every request requires round-trip db.

i'd grateful if suggest solutions have worked you, or ideas try.

thanks in advance help, ross

i use custom session solution sessions stored in datatabase.

that way webservers have access same session store , can decide self how long session should kept.

you either build works php normal sessions or stand alone class handle them.

i did similar share session between asp , on different serves , works.

if performance issue, use separate database, memcached or mysql cluster (also memory stored) or maybe mongodb sessions.


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