.net - How can I create a TFS 2010 Team Project using the SDK? -

i've heard it's not possible, figured i'd ask here , definitive answer. there way use team foundation server 2010 sdk programatically create new project in collection?

so far, i've seen use method of scripting vs 2010 ide: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/granth/archive/2009/09/25/scripting-team-project-creation-in-tfs2010.aspx. ugly.

i'm keeping fingers crossed there's better way. ideas?

you can use instead of command line:

string log = @"c:\builds\tfslog.txt"; string settingsfilepath = @"c:\teamprojects\teamprojectsettings.xml"; var batchteamprojectcreator = new batchteamprojectcreator(); var succes = batchteamprojectcreator.batchcreateteamproject(settingsfilepath, out log); 

you'll need add reference dll:

c:\program files (x86)\microsoft visual studio 10.0\common7\ide\privateassemblies\microsoft.visualstudio.teamfoundation.teamexplorer.dll

you still need use xml, bit more elegant.

hope looking for. :)

good luck, oshry


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