javascript - How to achieve the Facebook Photo Albums affect in the URI? -

those use facebook have noticed recent change photo albums , viewing of photos.

they allow use left , right arrow keys on keyboard change photo viewing.

i know there many open source javascript scripts photo viewing different... in old facebook albums , other javascript photo albums, seem use # in uri/url id's , can make ajax call.


the new version on facebook seems have same result/affect url's this... 

so there no # in url javascript use, how can done?

i think uses this:

var stateobj = { foo: "bar" }; history.pushstate(stateobj, "page 2", "bar.html"); 

found here: change url in browser without loading new page using javascript

i've been testing out here:

i haven't found out , forward button functionality or if should use history.replacestate() rather history.pushstate().


i think may our answer: cross-browser jquery ajax history window.history.pushstate , fallback


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