java - Hibernate mapping confusion -

the below definition taken hibernate association mapping tutorial here

each book related 1 publisher while 1 publisher may publish many books.

i'd represent above definition below way in java

class book {   publisher pub; }  class publisher {   set<book> books; } 

question 1. confused why tutorial says the association book publisher called “many-to-one” association. thought there "one-to-many" association between publisher , book have been right approach.

question 2. below hbm book. why shouldn't declare one-to-many in publisher's hbm mapping. determines location relationship mapping?

<class name="book" table="book">    <many-to-one name="publisher" class="publisher" column="publisher_id" />  </class> 

the association book publisher many-to-one because there can many books per publisher. irrelevant fact book aware of own publisher. association aid hibernate in understanding underlying representation.

there nothing wrong declaring one-to-many relationship publisher book. can have both present. depends on data model , how plan on interacting it.


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