How to build the below tree with EXTJS? -

below mentioned required tree.i want use same 'img'[directory] & symbols( '+', '-') expansion & compression.i'm not familiar extjs.right i'm running extjs through html & js.can any1 me exact code ?

-[img] parent     -[img] first level child 1         -[img] second level child                 [img] third level child 1                 [img] third level child 2                 [img] third level child 3      +[img] first level child 2      +[img] first level child 3 

have seen samples in sencha website? there's example of how asynchronously load data. use firebug see json comes php. give idea of how structure json end.

the example show how structure ext code well.

in json, you'll see property called 'cls' . css class id used in tree node. leave these alone until able tree running.

once source code going, edit question can more.


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