DB query in for loop errors on second loop (PHP, Codeigniter) -

a simple loop loops through array , deletes database records...


foreach ($deletedtags $deletedtag) {     $tagid = $this->tags_model->get_tag_id($deletedtag);     $this->tags_model->delete_tag_association_by_tag($workid, $tagid);   } 

$deletedtags array, example being:

array ( [0] => purple [1] => trees [2] => green )  


function get_tag_id($tag) {     $this->db->where('tags.name', $tag);     $query = $this->db->get(self::table);     return $query->row()->id; } 

when there 1 value in $deletedtags works fine. when there's more 1 value model function get_tag_id($tag) breaks on second loop. errors on line return $query->row()->id; with:

undefined property: stdclass::$id 

any idea why?

i've solved it. reason it's erroring because can find first tag in array in db (even though other tags exist in db). added tag_exists check , fine...

foreach ($deletedtags $deletedtag) {     if ($this->tags_model->tag_exists($deletedtag)) {         $tagid = $this->tags_model->get_tag_id($deletedtag);         $this->tags_model->delete_tag_association_by_tag($workid, $tagid);     } } 



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