c# - ToolTip Question -

ok, have checkboxlist (which databounded) , i'm displaying tooltip icon next each checkbox. code displays css tooltip on hove rfor icon. want pass different message each icon: project duration, customer involvement, etc. atm, same message displayed when hover on each of icons. how can fix this? thanks!

protected void agilefactors_databound(object sender, eventargs e) {           var checkbox = sender checkboxlist;     if (checkbox != null)     {          foreach (listitem listitem in checkbox.items)         {              listitem.text = string.format("{0} <span class='link'><a href='javascript: void(0)'><font face='verdana,arial,helvetica' size='2'><img src='{1}' height='20' width='20' /></font><span><b>project duration:</b><br/>ideally, project should close 6 months: shorter means less iterations, , longer tends towards long term planning.</span></a></span>", listitem.text, getimagefor(listitem.text));          }     } }  private string getimagefor(string text) {           // return image url check box based on text.      switch (text)     {         case "project duration": return "images/info.png";         case "customer involvement": return "images/info.png";         case "acceptance of change": return "images/info.png";         case "team size": return "images/info.png";         case "skill of team": return "images/info.png";         case "organisational , reporting structure": return "images/info.png";         case "process": return "images/info.png";         case "documentation requirements": return "images/info.png";         case "layout of workspace": return "images/info.png";         case "empowered team": return "images/info.png";         default: return null;     } } 


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