- Change the name of the radiobutton in the gridview while render -

after render group name comes in name attribute different name each radiobutton in gridview.

i tried set names same. when see source in browser unique.

how change name radiobutton in gridview same.

protected override void render(htmltextwriter writer) { sw = new;     htmltextwriter htw = new htmltextwriter(sw);     base.render(htw);     htw.close();     string h = sw.tostring();      radiobutton first = (radiobutton)gvaddoption.rows[0].cells[3].findcontrol("rblvalue");     string uniqgroupname = first.uniqueid;     uniqgroupname = uniqgroupname.replace(, first.groupname);       foreach (gridviewrow row in gvaddoption.rows)     {         radiobutton val = (radiobutton)row.cells[3].findcontrol("rblvalue");         string eachgroupname = val.uniqueid;         eachgroupname = eachgroupname.replace(, val.groupname);         //h.replace("name=\"" + eachgroupname + "\"", "name=\"" + uniqgroupname + "\"");          h.replace(eachgroupname, uniqgroupname);      }      writer.write(h); } 


how using html controls instead of .net ones? should give move control on rendered.


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