android - Samsung Pop 5570 does not connect in Ubuntu 10.10. in development mode -

adb devices not listing samsung pop 5570 wen connected in usb debugging on in ubuntu 10.10

adb devices ?????????? no permissions

i did add 51-android.rules file in /etc/udev/rules.d folder still adb devices shows devices wit ?????? no permissions.

51-android.rules file has following contents:

subsystem=="usb_device", sysfs{idvendor}=="04e8", mode="0666"

please let me know if missing something

i resolved issue appending #samsung in 51-android.rules file , copying "adb" command /bin folder.

$ restart udev

$ cp adb /bin

$ sudo adb kill-server

$ sudo adb start-server

$ sudo adb devices

list of devices attached s5570e905be1c device


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