windows - vbscript to download a file (bypassing invalid certificate errors) -

dim xhttp: set xhttp = createobject("microsoft.xmlhttp") dim bstrm: set bstrm = createobject("") "get", "", false xhttp.send  bstrm     .type = 1 '//binary     .open     .write xhttp.responsebody     .savetofile "c:\certmgr.exe", 2 '//overwrite end 

using above code i'm trying download file secure site install security certificate automatically, works fine http site, i'm needing bypass security errors. ideas?

you need switch msxml2.xmlhttp msxml2.serverxmlhttp , use setoption method value sxh_server_cert_ignore_all_server_errors. place call between open , send. here's example updated new code.

const sxh_server_cert_ignore_all_server_errors = 13056 dim xhttp: set xhttp = createobject("msxml2.serverxmlhttp") dim bstrm: set bstrm = createobject("") "get", "", false xhttp.setoption 2, sxh_server_cert_ignore_all_server_errors xhttp.send  bstrm     .type = 1 '//binary     .open     .write xhttp.responsebody     .savetofile "c:\certmgr.exe", 2 '//overwrite end 


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