Reducing html size -

does have suggestion on how can reduce home page size please

all of other answers correct, there additional fine tuning can do. ;-)

1.) have million-and-one non-breaking spaces used alignment... use css instead of this:


2.) there has better image preloading macromedia preloaders circa 1999.

3.) use server-side comments, don't pushed client

4.) have ton of empty onclick="" handlers in code. if don't need them, rip them out.

5.) delete empty font tags, , strong tags, , divs aren't being used

6.) unless overrode inline, don't need add display:block div's

7.) favicon bmp file... should ico ie (and/or png modern browsers)

8.) drop right-click blocker - there's no point in anymore. browsers expose entire html/js/css see in ways can't block.

9.) remove/refactor javascript targetting ie4 , netscape6 - both of these browsers died years ago

10.) have meta tag declared twice... <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />

11.) don't need on links: target="_self"


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