php - Mysql retrieve polygon data -

i have been developing site stores spatial data in mysql database, of buildings, gardens, etc. in form of polygons (latitudes , longitudes).

i want know how retrieve polygon data in mysql.

i have seen sample query insert polygon data:

but want know how retrieve data table, based on constraints like:

"where latitude < 9.33 , longitude > 22.4" how find whether point lies inside or outside of polygon

here page lots of examples:

this 1 of examples retrieve rows points intersect specified bounding box:

set @bbox = 'polygon((0 0, 10 0, 10 10, 0 10, 0 0))';  select name, astext(location) points     intersects( location, geomfromtext(@bbox) ); 

the mysql documentation says these spatial functions work geometries (looks point geometry). can check if geometry in database intersects 1 specify in select statement.


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