php - How do late static bindings work in this scenario? -

the following code outputs 'x set in class a', how make output 'x set in class b' without changing class b?

<?php  class {     public static $x = 'x set in class a';      public static function getx()     {         return self::$x;     } }   class b extends {     public static $x = 'x set in class b'; }   echo b::getx(); 

self always refers class, defined. looking "late static binding" (as suggest, dont use). static keyword within code block refers "actual" class, means: either called class (xy::method()), or class of called object ($x->method()).

return static::$x; 

the static keyword @ property declaration has nothing to lsb. common declartion class properties.

note, lsb not available in php<5.3


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