mysql - SQL Query over identical table on multiple systems -

overview of application:
have delphi application allows user run queries on mysql databases on different systems, using tadoquery component retrieve data. user can retrieve data identical tables on 2 different systems (e.g. table_xyz in database_abc on system1 , system 2) running 2 separate queries, , 2 sets of data written file , manually joined on pc form 1 report.

possible select data identical table/database on different systems 1 query? i'm pretty confident isn't possible due limitation of tadoquery's connection string having point single system, want make sure correct.

i know it's possible retrieve data 2 identical tables in 2 different databases on same system using union statement, e.g.:
select * database1.table_xyz union select * database2.table_xyz

what need similar above example, retrieving data databases on different systems. basically, possible somehow incorporate connection string in sql statement, or connect in different way somehow?

like said, i'm sure isn't possible, doesn't hurt check!

that's called "distributed queries", , require database engine support. in mysql, can you: (available 5.0 onwards). in oracle that's called "database links" , shiv kumar said "linked servers" in ms sql. 1 of drawbacks of federate engine requires create table mirrors "remote" one, while other databases let access remote table once link remote server established, without having keep declarations in sync. remote database must mysql database (other engines support distributed queries against etherogenous servers).


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