javascript - PHP generated JS not running on IE7+ -

i've been playing around js generated in php , far i've had no luck ie. other browsers firefox , chrome parse , execute js code.

for example page

loads javascript

i tried sending following headers in php script

content-type: text/javascript , content-type: application/x-javascript , content-type: application/javascript

with no luck. has idea why ie not parsing , executing js code?

i used this instance of google closure compiler service attempt pretty-print javascript.

it failed error:

number of errors: 1

jsc_trailing_comma: parse error. internet explorer has non-standard intepretation of trailing commas. arrays have wrong length , objects not parse @ all. @ line 190 character 183 in ?page=demo

...ully",delay:4,clear:false,method:"append",xbutton:true,onclose:function(){},}                                                                               ^ 

that stray comma things going wrong.


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