java - How does JAXB map a class name to an XML element name? -

i using jaxb (the version included jdk 6) marshall objects xml. following piece of code yields unexpected results:

     public class jaxbtest {         @xmlrootelement         public static class vipperson {}

    public static void main(string[] args) throws jaxbexception {         stringwriter sw = new stringwriter();         vipperson p = new vipperson();         jaxb.marshal(p, sw);         system.out.println(sw.tostring());     } } 

output above is

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?> <vipperson/> 

i expecting see class name mapped vipperson element rather vipperson based on section 8.12.1 in jaxb specification, says

class name: class name mapped xml name de capitalization using java.beans.introspector.decapitalize(class name ).

the javadoc decapitalize method says this:

utility method take string , convert normal java variable name capitalization. means converting first character upper case lower case, but in (unusual) special case when there more 1 character , both first , second characters upper case, leave alone. "foobah" becomes "foobah" , "x" becomes "x", "url" stays "url".

does implementation violate spec or misunderstanding something?

this caused bug in reference implementation. looks won't fixed due compatibility problems cause. workaround explicitly specify name @xmlrootelement.


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