iphone - How to read a random line from a textfile? -

i'm absolute beginner xcode , objective-c, hey sounded book i'm reading rory lewis ! i'm trying write simple question game ios.

this first app, except few versions "hello world" ;-) have read large number of forums, , haven't yet found i'm looking for.

so read out random line plain textfile, let's "file.txt" wich contains 500 lines. when press button, app fetch random line file.txt , present on screen. have tried number things, , feel i'm fumbling in dark ! hoping point me in right direction (a basic 1 please ;-).

something should work:

#include <stdlib.h> #include <time.h>  nsstring *file = [[nsbundle mainbundle] pathforresource:@"file" oftype:@"txt"];  nsstring *filecontents = [nsstring stringwithcontentsoffile:file];  nsarray *lines = [filecontents componentsseparatedbystring:@"\n"];   /* initialize random seed: */   srand ( time(null) );    /* generate random number: */   int index = rand() % [lines count];  nsstring *string = [lines objectatindex:index];  


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