groovy - Grails - save() failing with MissingMethodExcepition in integration test -

i'm learning groovy / grails, , writing first integration test.

it's failing with:

groovy.lang.missingmethodexception: no signature of method: applicable argument types: () values: []

my test isn't doing fancy:

class usereventcontrollertests extends controllerunittestcase {     protected void setup() {         super.setup()     }      protected void teardown() {         super.teardown()     }      void testaddingauser()     {         def user = new user(emailaddress: "")     } } 

saving entity works fine when through scaffolded pages provided grails.

what have missed?

if want integration tests shouldn't extend 1 of unit test base classes, change to

class usereventcontrollertests extends groovytestcase { ... } 

and make sure it's in test/integration, not test/unit.

but looks want test controller (it's called usereventcontrollertests) should extend controllerunittestcase. if that's case should doing unit tests, mocking domain layer (using mockdomain , others) since want focus on controller logic, not persistence. test domain classes in proper integration tests using database.

this described in chapter 10 of docs:


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