Pretty Print Formatting Issue in Python -

 str = ""  in range(1,91):      str = str + '-'   print "+", '{:^90}'.format(str), "+"  elem in cursor:      print "|", '{:^8}'.format(elem['classid']), \            "|", '{:^8}'.format(elem['dept']), \            "|", '{:^8}'.format(elem['coursenum']), \            "|", '{:^8}'.format(elem['area']), \            "|", '{:<46}'.format(elem['title']), \           "|"  print "+", '{:^90}'.format(str), "+" 

i have following code in place try , print out results of db query. in standalone file, prints following output:

+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + | centered | centered | centered | centered | 12                                             | | centered | centered | centered | centered | 12                                             | | centered | centered | centered | centered | 12                                             | + ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ + 

when placed in larger file within function, not work however. following error:

  file "", line 58, in printhumanoutput     print "+", '{:^90}'.format(''), "+" valueerror: 0 length field name in format 


python 2.6 not support zero-length field names in format strings.

print "+", '{0:^90}'.format(''), "+" 


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