nhibernate - iBatis / MyBatis opinion -

what opinion on ibatis / mybatis? respect performance , flexibility.

how think stacks against other c# orms?

is c# version pretty stable , usable? caching work well?

i mybatis, so, there few bugs i've seen.

for instance, when implemented paging solution, had write interceptor told mybatis stop caching stuff because saw record, , rowcount, , reason created "cache key" used presence of record (not doing "equals" call on it) , rowcount matched next record , rowcount (though different record , if equals invoked, wouldn't have matched). later included rownum around similar issue. interceptor had introspect (yuck!) via breaking access reflection in order see if handler our own handler, because there no getter field , private.

secondly, i've seen mybatis construct object return, null, returned null instead of record constructed - serious bug. got around because thing returning versioned, version wasn't null, returned , hence record returned.

furthermore, of methods you'd expect implemented via typesafe handlers not implemented @ all. careful those.

we use spring integration, wraps sqlsession autoclose - underlying issues mybatis code. java-based experience i'm noting here.

also, though there "batch" statement things, haven't seen in api indicates can batch statements - if need sort of functionality, you'll have use else or go 1 one.


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