Method and variable scoping of private and instance variables in JavaScript -

i have tried figure out or search on google, can find how create objects, not how functions work. if explain me how encapsulation works.

function myobject() {      this.variable1 = "tst";      this.function1 = function() {         //now function works.  'this' function private function ok         _privatefunction1();          //here error one, cannot seem call methods within object         //from.           this.function2();     }      this.function2 = function() {         alert("look! function2!");     }      function _privatefunction1() {         //this work though.  confused.         _privatefunction2();     }      function _privatefunction2() {         alert("look! privatefunction1");          //this not work.         alert(this.variable1);     } } 

i think can explain better if go in reverse order. first, define functions:

function _privatefunction1() {     //this work though.  confused.     _privatefunction2(); }  function _privatefunction2() {     alert("look! privatefunction1");      //this not work.     alert(this.variable1); } 

this pretty normal stuff. thing that's weird appear inside function, that's fine. javascript has function scope, means variables defined inside function defined in new scope. not trample on global namespace. , functions first-class objects in javascript, means can used other data types. can nested, passed functions, returned functions, etc.

then run trouble:

    function _privatefunction2() {         alert("look! privatefunction1");          //this not work.         alert(this.variable1);     } } 

functions in javascript executed in context referred this keyword. when call function directly (i.e. this: functionname()) context in function executes global window object. so, inside _privatefunction2, this.variable1 equivalent window.variable1 not meant.

you wanted refer current instance of myobject this refers outside of _privatefunction2. can preserve access this in inner scope storing reference in variable:

var _this = this;  function _privatefunction2() {     alert("look! privatefunction1");      //this not work.     alert(_this.variable1); } 

there's subtle here should notice. _privatefunction2 has access variables defined in lexical scope, why can access _this. important later.

next up:

    function _privatefunction1() {         //this work though.  confused.         _privatefunction2();     } 

this should normal-looking section you, think. there's nothing strange going on here. 1 regular function calling one. don't confused fact these nested inside myobject. changes scope they're in, not else.

next define instance variables , methods:

this.variable1 = "tst";  this.function1 = function() {     //now function works.  'this' function private function ok     _privatefunction1();      //here error one, cannot seem call methods within object     //from.       this.function2(); }  this.function2 = function() {     alert("look! function2!"); } 

here this refer myobject, assuming -- , it's important assumption -- myobject called new operator, this:

var obj = new myobject(); 

if had been called this:

var obj = myobject(); 

then this refer window object, did functions saw earlier. key takeaway value of this not fixed. it's determined way in function called. there ways set arbitrary object explicitly.

the value of this inside this.function1 current instance of myobject, because used this:

var obj = new myobject(); obj.function1(); 

writing object.method() sets this object inside method.

so how this.function1 able call _privatefunction1()? saw earlier when saving value of this use inside nested function, _privatefunction1() object defined in this.function1's lexical scope, available use, _this earlier.

and it's because of closure these private variables still alive long after myobject has returned.

footnote: because failing use new when instantiating objects breaks things spectacularly without warning, it's considered practice capitalize names of functions intend used constructor. myobject should myobject.


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