javascript - Reading selected value of dropdown list in HTML by jQuery -

i trying read value of selectedid in drop down list in html through jquery keeps producing error. did miss something?

<select style="width: 80px;" class="text ui-widget-content ui-corner-all" id="metalist"> <option value="4d5e3a8c418416ea16000000">wikipedia</option>   <option value="4d5e3a8c418416ea16010000">twitter</option>   <option value="4d5e3a8c418416ea16020000">dbpedia</option>   <option value="4d64cd534184162629000000">test</option>           </select>         

i tried used work before

var temp = $("#metalist").val();  

but produces null!

your function call correct, nothing selected. reason why null returned.


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