actionscript - Flex: how to change the volume of an EMBEDDED sound? -

searching how change volume of sounds, irritating snd=new sound(urlrequest), followed snd.setvolume(val). oh, fine, sound not urlrequest, it's embed.

i've made lot of random attempts (1) no avail. how supposed instead?

(1) including casting class sound, creating sound embed class argument, creating soundtransform , setting channel, etc.

instantiate embedded class this:

[embed(source="mysound.mp3")] public var soundclass:class;   protected function application1_creationcompletehandler(event:flexevent):void {     var smallsound:sound = new soundclass() sound;     var trans:soundtransform = new soundtransform(.01);,0,trans); } 


in case wanted know how change volume if sound playing:

[embed(source="mysound.mp3")] public var soundclass:class; public var smallsound : sound; public var vol : number = 0.01; public var trans : soundtransform;  public var chan : soundchannel = new soundchannel();  protected function application1_creationcompletehandler(event:flexevent):void {     smallsound = new soundclass() sound;     trans = new soundtransform(vol);     chan =,0,trans); }  protected function volup_clickhandler(event:mouseevent):void {     vol += .1;     trans = new soundtransform(vol);      chan.soundtransform = trans; } 


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