ruby - Saving a file with a Cyrillic name -

how correctly save file cyrillic name?

now file name looks this: "Максим Р—РёРЅСЏРєРѕРІ feat. indigo - , me only". correct name "Максим Зиняков feat. indigo - , me only".

i file http url:

agent = agent.get(url).save_as("#{mp3_dir}/#{title}.mp3") 

as mentioned, need convert title string utf-8 using iconv:

require 'rubygems' require 'mechanize' require 'iconv'  agent = # if source encoding indeed windows-1251, 'from' cp1251 title = iconv.conv('utf8', 'cp1251', title) agent.get(url).save_as("#{mp3_dir}/#{title}.mp3") 


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