javascript - Splash Page Video (jQuery Hide) Reveal Index Underneath Issue -

i need have splash page, don't want make index, using solution.

i using technique:

on page:

but cant "enter" button reveal index page below. suggestions? flickers , jumps video splash page.

also whats js cookie code makes appear once per day?

thank much.

also, if can save "anti-splash" debates time great. client "must have" splash page. not idea.

change href attribute "enter" anchor "#". right redirecting them same page after hiding splash, forcing them load page in initial state again.

edit: cookie,

jquery(function(){     if(document.cookie.indexof("firstvisit") != -1){         $("#splash").hide();         $("#container-index").show();     }     else{         $("#splash span").click(function() {             $("#splash").hide();             $("#container-index").show();              var expiredate = new date();             /* sets expire date current date + 1 day */             expiredate.setdate(expiredate.getdate() + 1);             var newcookie = "firstvisit=0;expires=" + expiredate.toutcstring();             document.cookie = newcookie;         });     } }); 

caveat: haven't tested this. see here more on javascript , cookies:


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