javascript - Is there any Mac text editor with tail or watch files change feature? -

ideally wanted use in textmate didn't find feature besides show web preview nice fact can set interval update page, doesn't work watching file , apply syntax highlighting or format.

one neat example of wanted achieve simulate same behavior coffescript try now feature can type in 1 side , see file in javascript.

so ideally open .coffee file , run coffee --watch on terminal track file change specific file, pop window inside text editor keep updating coffeescript .js generated file.

like this, window on left shows current file , window on right shows file being watched specific interval.

i not sure if clear enought, if not, please let me know.. want see in real time happens files after run specific script syntax highlighting , else possible.

i testing kaleidoscope app, nice way visualization works, no editing possible neither syntax highlighting features though good, makes me think nice:


emacs can both of these things (and you're better off running cocoa app).

ediff works kaleidoscope (minus diagonal lines connecting 2 revisions) , let edit files without disturbing diff process. default versions above 1 can press | toggle side-by-side , m expand full screen width (unfortunately doesn't work multiple monitors, @ least in version of emacs i'm using.)

here's example.

to tail/auto-revert things, there's auto-revert-mode , auto-revert-tail-mode built emacs. pretty if you're trying figure out how in emacs, (duh) stack overflow. mastering emacs relatively new blog has great articles. there's m-x all-things-emacs links useful screencasts.


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