iphone - NSMutableArray of ClLocationCoordinate2D -

i'm trying create retrieve array of cllocationcoordinate2d objects, reason array empty.

i have:

nsmutablearray *currentlydisplayedtowers; cllocationcoordinate2d new_coordinate = { currenttowerlocation.latitude, currenttowerlocation.longitude }; [currentlydisplayedtowers addobject:[nsdata datawithbytes:&new_coordinate length:sizeof(new_coordinate)] ]; 

i've tried adding data:

[currentlydisplayedtowers addobject:[nsvalue value:&new_coordinate withobjctype:@encode(struct cllocationcoordinate2d)] ]; 

and either way, [currentlydisplayedtowers count] returns zero. ideas might going wrong?


to stay in object land, create instances of cllocation , add mutable array.

cllocation *towerlocation = [[cllocation alloc] initwithlatitude:lat longitude:lon]; [currentdisplayedtowers addobject:towerlocation]; 

to cllocationcoordinate struct cllocation, call coordinate on object.

cllocationcoordinate2d coord = [[currentdisplayedtowers lastobject] coordinate]; 


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