HTML Scrollable table vertically and horizontally -

i thought had achieved this, method used wasnt correct. separated table head , table data 2 separate tables, each closed within div. put overflow on outside div of each table-segment. however, doesnt work because when have large number of columns, begins squeeze columns together, whereas still want them fix width. can help? ive omitted event listeners in code below.

<div id='headertable' style='overflow:auto;overflow-x:hidden;overflow-y:scroll;width:900px;'>     <table border='1' style='width:1900px;float:left;'>         <thead style='text-align:left;'>             <tr style='display:block;'>                 <th width='100' style='width:100px;'>test1</th>                 <th width='100' style='width:100px;'>test2</th>                 <th width='100' style='width:100px;'>test3</th>                 <th width='100' style='width:100px;'>test4</th>                 <th width='100' style='width:100px;'>test5</th>                 <th width='100' style='width:100px;'>test6</th>                 <th width='100' style='width:100px;'>test7</th>                 <th width='100' style='width:100px;'>test8</th>                 <th width='100' style='width:100px;'>test9</th>             </tr>         </thead>     </table> </div>  <div id='datatable' style='height:300px;float:left;overflow:auto;overflow-x:auto;overflow-y:scroll;width:900px;>     <table border='1' style='width:1900px;float:left;'>         <tbody id='cleardetails'>             <tr id='row0'    style='color:black;height:auto;display:block;'>                 <td style='width:100px;'>1</td>                 <td id='row0col0' style='width:100px;'>1625</td>                 <td id='row0col0' style='width:100px;'>25</td>                 <td id='row0col0' style='width:100px;'>25</td>                 <td id='row0col0' style='width:100px;'>25</td>                 <td id='row0col0' style='width:100px;'>25</td>                 <td id='row0col0' style='width:100px;'>25</td>                 <td id='row0col0' style='width:100px;'>25</td>                 <td id='row0col0' style='width:100px;'>25</td>                 <td id='row0col0' style='width:100px;'>25</td>             </tr>         </tbody>     </table> </div> 

first of all, don't have separate 2 different divs: check out pure css table fixed header.

second, why table in 1 location listed 1900, , in set 900?

third, have turned off margins , padding make sure blocks 100px?

finally, in ie have account width of scrollbar, need reduce size of each column, or increase width of overall table accommodate it.


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