Google Maps API JavaScript error when GBrowserIsCompatible() is called -

i error on following line:

 if (gbrowseriscompatible()) { 

this code still not working

<script src=";v=2.x&amp;key=<?php echo $google_api['value'];?>" type="text/javascript"></script>  <script type="text/javascript"> var map = null; var geocoder = null;  function initialize(address) {     if (gbrowseriscompatible()) {         map = new gmap2(document.getelementbyid("map_canvas"));         map.setcenter(new glatlng(37.4419, -122.1419), 13);         geocoder = new gclientgeocoder();          /* start */          if (geocoder) {             geocoder.getlatlng(                 address,                 function (point) {                     if (!point) {                         alert(address + " not found");                     } else {                         map.setcenter(point, 13);                         var marker = new gmarker(point);                         map.addoverlay(marker);                         marker.openinfowindowhtml(address);                     }                 }             );         }          /* end */     } } </script> 

did load google maps api your own api key?

<script src=';v=2&amp;key=enter_api_key_here'></script> 



check out troubleshooting page ie.

maybe you're checking early. try this:

var iterations = 0; function check_compat() {     if (iterations === 75) {         alert('failed load google maps api. clear browser cache, open google maps try again.');         return;     }     if (typeof gbrowseriscompatible === 'undefined') {         // isn't loaded, schedule next check.         settimeout(check_compat, 200);         iterations++;     } else {         if (gbrowseriscompatible()) {             mapreadyfn();         } else {             alert('sorry, browser not supported.');         }     } } 

after that, replace line:

if (gbrowseriscompatible()) { 

with this:

function mapreadyfn() { 

if fails 15 seconds, stops trying , error.


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