ASP.NET Web Service + Module + Public variable = thread safe? -

in web service i've included module in public declared variables. thread-safe? mixed upon simultaneous calls?

those variables datsset, datatable , sqldataadapter..

partial code of module:

 imports imports system.diagnostics  module modcommon      public bdolog boolean     public scurrentodbc string     public cn sqlconnection     public query1ds dataset     public query1 datatable     public query1adapter sqldataadapter 


thanks, i'm not familiary suggestions, move locally.

additionally, following variables thread-safe?:

 [toolboxitem(false)]_ public class service1       inherits        dim sname string       dim scurrentpath string        [webmethod()]_      public function capture(byval spath string) string            sname = "joe"      end function  end class  

if you're using web services yes, have concurency problems when multiple services try access same resource, , sqlconnection definetly resource don't want shared.

you should make sure don't have simultaneous calls properties (for ex. wrapping fields getters / setters , implementing locks in methods) or moving code class , instantiating class whenever need it.


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