android - Having fun with Threads -

i having troubles threading ;)

i have done script class follow:

class test{ texttospeech mtts = new texttospeech(); boolean volatile mvarglobal = false;  class t1 extends thread{     public void run(){         dosomething(){             mvarglobal = false;             // network working...take while             mtts.speak(...) //speech information received network             mvarglobal = true;         }     }      t1 t = new t1();     t.start();  class checkvarglobal extends thread{     public void run(){           if(!mvarglobal) {             text2speech.speak("something");         }     postattime(this, 3000);     }  } checkvarglobal c = new checkvarglobal (); c.start(); 


as can see have 2 threads running, 1 getting network information , second 1 cheking if information network has been received. boolean variable mvarglobal true, , thread checking "checkvarglobal" stop condition (!mvarglobal) false.

the problem once information in 1st thread network , speech information, 2nd thread still running , speeching "something". guess 2nd thread has not realize checkvarglobal true... have typed variable volatile used 2 threads.

any idea why happening, , how solve it?

thanks lot,

best. david.

dayerman... here experimental code 2 handlers.

edit. have edited code comply best practices, using switch in single handler:

private handler myhandler= new handler(){         @override         public void  handlemessage(message msg){                       switch(msg.what){                 case 0:                     if (!isdonethinking){                         edittextconfusedtext.settext("still thinking "+new integer(thinkseconds).tostring());                         thinkseconds++;                         this.removemessages(0);                         sendmessagedelayed(obtainmessage(0),1000);                     }                     else {                         thinkseconds= 0; // reset timer                     }                     break;                 case 1:                     isdonethinking= true;                     onthreadedmessage(msg);                     break;                 default:                     super.handlemessage(msg);                     break;             }         }     };     public void onthreadmessage(message msg){         bundle b= msg.getdata();         string encryptedtext="";         if (b != null){             encryptedtext= b.getstring("encryptedtext");         }         edittextconfusedtext.settext(encryptedtext);         log.d(tag,encryptedtext);     }         


buttonconfusetext.setonclicklistener(new view.onclicklistener() {                 @override                 public void onclick(view v) {                     // todo auto-generated method stub                     final string instring= edittextplaintext.gettext().tostring();                     isdonethinking= false;                     myhandler.sendemptymessage(0); // <=== start timer                     thread thread= new thread( new runnable() { // <== start threaded runnable                         public void run() {                             string outstring= encrypt(password,instring);                             message msg= myhandler.obtainmessage(1);                             bundle b= new bundle();                             b.putstring("encryptedtext",outstring);                             msg.setdata(b);                             myhandler.sendmessage(msg);                             log.d(tag,outstring);                         }                     });                     thread.setdaemon(true);                     thread.start();                 }             }; 


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