uitableview - iOS: editingStyleForRowAtIndexPath when adding a new cell -

i'm adding row uitableview section when user switches table editing mode code:

- (void) setediting:(bool) editing animated:(bool) animated {     [super setediting:editing animated:animated];     if (editing) {         [self.tableview insertrowsatindexpaths:[nsarray arraywithobject: [nsindexpath indexpathforrow:0 insection:section_suppliers]]   withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationfade];     }  } 

the object being create "add new supplier ..." row. works, when table wants editing style can add plus or minus icon, have problem.

- (uitableviewcelleditingstyle) tableview:(uitableview *) tableview editingstyleforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *) indexpath {     return ([self.tableview isediting] && indexpath.row == 0) ? uitableviewcelleditingstyleinsert : uitableviewcelleditingstyledelete; } 

the sequence seems go this:

  1. the table switches editing. there 1 supplier row @ time queries editing style row == 0.
  2. the insert of new row done triggers query editing style again row == 0.

so if use sequence , use row number , tableview isediting decide on editing style icon end both add new , current supplier rows plus icons on them.

what best way insert row , assign appropriate editing style - plus add new row, , minus other row?

have tried putting "add new..." row @ bottom instead of @ top? instead of checking [indexpath row] == 0 instead check [indexpath row] == [items count], , tableview:numberofrowsinsection: implementation looks this:

- (nsinteger)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview  numberofrowsinsection:(nsinteger)section {     int numberofrows = [items count];      if ([self isediting]) {         numberofrows++;     }      return numberofrows; } 

this how example in iphone programming: big nerd ranch guide works.


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