tsql - Can't add permissions to Sql Server 2005 table -

these commands i'm executing:

use [messenger]; go grant delete on [dbo].[messages] [mm_tableaccess]; go grant insert on [dbo].[messages] [mm_tableaccess]; go grant select on [dbo].[messages] [mm_tableaccess]; go grant update on [dbo].[messages] [mm_tableaccess]; go 

mm_tableaccess role. toad tells me these commands executed successfully.

after executing this, when @ permissions on table, shows none; viewing create script "permissions" turned on shows no grant commands.

i've tried refreshing table; closing toad , reopening again; rebooting. nothing works. table in database (only 6 tables) can't add these permissions to.

here's table create script:

use [messenger]; go set ansi_nulls on; go set quoted_identifier on; go create table [dbo].[messages] ( [messageid] bigint identity(1, 1) not null, [parentid] bigint not null, [categoryid] bigint not null, [postedbyid] bigint not null, [dateposted] datetime not null, [messagetitle] nvarchar(50) null, [messagebody] nvarchar(4000) not null, constraint [pk__messages__07f6335a] primary key nonclustered ([messageid] asc) ( pad_index = off, fillfactor = 100, ignore_dup_key = off, statistics_norecompute = off, allow_row_locks = on, allow_page_locks = on ) on [primary], constraint [fk_parentid] foreign key ([parentid]) references [dbo].[messages] ( [messageid] ), constraint [fk_categoryid] foreign key ([categoryid]) references [dbo].[categories] ( [categoryid] ) on delete cascade  ) on [primary]; go 

i'm using sql 2005 sp4, on windows xp sp3.

what going on?


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