struts2 - captcha plugin for struts 2 -

any captcha plugin struts 2 other jcaptcha4struts2 , provide useful link also

try this:

it pretty straightforward struts 2.

i recommend copy on source code (its asl licensed , therefore allowed) , follow instructions. or create taglib, if avoid java code in jsp.

the server side instructions can modified use field names recaptcha_challenge_field , recaptcha_response_field.

if add following methods action:

public httpservletrequest gethttpservletrequest() {     return httpservletrequest; }  public void sethttpservletrequest(httpservletrequest httpservletrequest) {     this.httpservletrequest = httpservletrequest; } 

and add following listener web.xml:

 <listener>     <listener-class>org.springframework.web.context.request.requestcontextlistener</listener-class> </listener> 

you able catch httpservletrequest necessary validate captcha.

hope helps. cheers, christian


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