sql - Select a group of records based on one record in the group -

i seem stuck on problem. using crystal reports 2008 pull list of records ms-sql database. there 2 tables involved (they contain order data subscribers). first table ordermst , second orderdtl. joined 2 fields, account , subnumber. each account has many subnumbers , each subnumber has many invoicenumbers. each invoice row has column tells me wether or not it's recent invoice. need @ record determine whether customer active, cancelled, or expired. then, depending on status need select invoices subnumber. i'm stuck trying figure out way that.

here's example:


account     subnumber pub 72781651    0025      navl 72781651    0012      ryir 72781651    0001      rhcs 80156287    0015      vgfa 80156287    0012      navl 


account     subnumber invoicenumber pubstatus renewalthere 72781651    0025      15894578              0 72781651    0025      15754897      r         1 72781651    0025      15753412      r         1 72781651    0012      15753357      c         0 72781651    0012      15749875      r         1 72781651    0001      15465874      x         0 72781651    0001      15425789      r         1 80156287    0015      15656738              0 80156287    0012      15387956      c         0 80156287    0012      15324568      r         1 

so, if looking count of invoices active subscriptions, select {orderdtl.renewalthere} = 0, , report results show account 72781651 subnumber 0025 has 3 invoices , account 80156287 subnumber 0015 has 1 invoice. i'm stuck. need use 1 invoice level record tell me subscription want, , grab invoice level records invoice. ideas?

what want semi-join:

select account, subnumber, count(*)   orderdtl  exists (    select *      orderdtl     a.account = orderdtl.account       , a.subnumber = orderdtl.subnumber       , a.pubstatus = 'a'       , a.renewalthere = 0 ) group account, subnumber 



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