php - LDAP Auth on WAMP -

i'm trying write ldap authentication code on wamp server.

i'm using this:

<?php error_reporting(e_all); ini_set("display_errors", 1);  $ldapconfig['host'] = ''; $ldapconfig['port'] = 389; $ldapconfig['basedn'] = 'dc=x,dc=y,dc=z,dc=x1'; $ldapconfig['authrealm'] = 'my realm';  ldap_connect($ldapconfig['host'], $ldapconfig['port']) or die ('could not connect');  echo 'connected'; ?> 

i'm getting error:

fatal error: call undefined function ldap_connect() in c:\program files\apache software foundation\apache2.2\htdocs\oplweb\index.php on line 10

from basic googling, looks need turn on mod_ldap. seems simple. i've done following:

  • went c:\program files\apache software foundation\apache2.2\modules , made sure exists.
  • i've gone c:\program files\apache software foundation\apache2.2\conf\httpd.conf , made sure line not commented out: loadmodule ldap_module modules/
  • i've gone c:\program files\php\php.ini , made sure line not commented out: extension=php_ldap.dll
  • restart apache

the problem still persists. ldap_connect() function in php have other dependencies? missing step?


i ran same issue windows server 2008 - have added php.ini file windows path?

go control panel , open system icon (start -> settings -> control panel -> system, or start -> control panel -> system windows xp/2003+)

go advanced tab

click on 'environment variables' button

look 'system variables' pane

find path entry (you may need scroll find it)

double click on path entry

enter php directory @ end, including ';' before (e.g. ;c:\php)

press ok


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