Menu bar on the top of iPad:) -

i have created login page , applied navigation method switch next view on sign in button. want menu bar icons button on every next view. tryed tool bar on each each views 2 buttons didnt successed switch last view first view. can switch next view & previous view only. there standard code menu bar have saw menubar @ top in video sap businessone application. plz help..

-(ibaction)yourclass:(id)sender{ //[firstviewobj release]; yourclass *signupobj = [[yourclass alloc] initwithnibname:@"yourclass" bundle:nil]; [self.navigationcontroller pushviewcontroller:signupobj animated:yes]; [signupobj release]; }

use above button click event , take toolbar common buttons on every class ui. when click toolbar button above u desire page(like home, settings pgs common screes)


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