Master list of high PPI mobile screens and how to detect/handle it via CSS? -

the iphone 4's retina display double density of of iphone 3, apple handled nicely making assumption , doubling pixels when rendering (so web page looks same physical size on each device). can use webkit media queries load additional css device (-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio:2).

the question: there resource a) lists other mobile devices using high ppi screens b) device default in terms of rendering web sites , c) if supports webkit check and/or it's own custom detection method?

if not, perhaps post become resource (cw) posting info on specific devices answers. have start dealing blackberry , nokia devices using high res screens (and android coming along). data appreciated!


after testing, i'm finding there aren't other mobile devices identify double-density iphone 4 does. there screens higher ppis (often on smaller devices) device doesn't in way declare high ppi. perhaps better way explain devices have 'really small pixels'.

as such, there isn't practical way handle devices given sites rendered same, attempt @ modifying yours interfere user's own preferences , settings.

if knows of devices other iphone 4 declare high ppi, let me now!

see here similar quesiton:

how target iphone 3gs , iphone 4 in 1 media query?

i asked few days back, don't think there list of such things if know devices want target not hard find out , target these devices.

the best detection method use css3 @media queries, , given opera popular mobile browser safe assumption use webkit extension along side @media queries.


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