How to remove Empty Properties from a multi depth JavaScript Object? -

i've got js object:

var test = {"code_operateur":[""],"cp_cult":["",""],"annee":["2011"],"ca_cult":[""]} 

when use function:

for (i in test) {      if ( test[i] == "" || test[i] === null ) {          delete test[i];       }   } 

i get:


okay not bad, i'd remove empty "cp_cult" property (which array , not string other).

note: don't want manually delete key!


function isempty(thingy) {  for(var k in thingy){   if(thingy[k]) {    return false;   }  }  return true; }  for(i in test) {  if ( test[i] == "" || test[i] === null || (typeof test[i] == "object" && isempty(test[i])) ) {   delete test[i];  } } 

however, depending on complexity of object, you'd need more advanced algorithms. example, if array can contain array of empty strings (or more levels) , should deleted, you'd need check well.

edit: trying make fit needs, please have at:


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