How generics influenced the design of C# and .NET? -

this might broad question not clear , curious.

often times problems hear reasoning because generics not available in .net 1.0. makes me think either of these 2 things:

  1. generics not thought of before, developers came after .net 1.0 drastically affect design of c# , .net couldn't because of decisions made (backwards compatibility).

  2. generics planned since beginning, problem arise not releasing .net 1.0 not being able use till 2.0. other this, no redundant features introduced or wrong, irreversible decisions committed.

i assume #1, #2 actual case?

generics have been around long time , can loosely compared c++ templates, although concept (and implementation in other languages) predates that.

.net 1.0 first cut of platform plan ship works reasonably. generics have have been on "planned future" if decent architect on team, added later. in fact, paper on implementing generics .net came out year before .net framework 1.0 rtm eventuated.

timeline: (

2002-03-05 .net framework version: 1.0.3705.0 released ~may, 2001 don syme's paper on "design , implementation of generics .net" 

microsoft have taken 10 years build .net framework 4.0 (as version 1.0), code , many features out @ once, take 5 years find bugs , usability issues if project can succeed.

so answer question #2.

don syme designed , implementated generics c# , .net.


anders hejlsberg hero - wikipedia - original author of turbo pascal, chief architect of delphi, later lead architect of c#


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