mvc - How do I use autofac to resolve a WCF Data Service? -

i creating wcf data service using wcf data services toolkit , whitepaper building odata services on top of existing apis. service being added existing mvc 3 website configured use autofacdependencyresolver. code provided in whitepaper exposing service is:

protected void application_start()  {    var factory = new dataservicehostfactory();   var serviceroute = new serviceroute("odata", factory, typeof(crmodataservice));   serviceroute.defaults = new routevaluedictionary { { "servicetype", "odata" } };   serviceroute.constraints = new routevaluedictionary { { "servicetype", "odata" } };   routetable.routes.add("odata", serviceroute);   ... } 

is there simple way modify resolve service via autofac or need implement own servicehostfactory?

i think figured out:

protected void application_start()  {   var factory = new autofacwebservicehostfactory();   var serviceroute = new serviceroute("odata", factory, typeof(crmodataservice));   serviceroute.defaults = new routevaluedictionary { { "servicetype", "odata" } };   serviceroute.constraints = new routevaluedictionary { { "servicetype", "odata" } };   routetable.routes.add("odata", serviceroute);   ... } 

and elsewhere don't forget set

autofacwebservicehostfactory.container = container; 


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