storage of data in memory -

i want know, how data stored in memory ; or affect of following code

data1 db 1,2,3

how data stored.. if using 80386 or above intel microprocessor.. new these stuff kindly help!

well, db defines sequence of bytes you'll 3 bytes 1, 2 , 3 in increasing memory locations, starting @ data1.

if data1 @ 0x00001234, 2 statements db 1,2,3 , db 3,2,1 (that's 1 or other, not 1 followed other) give:

           db 1,2,3          db 3,2,1            +------+          +------+ 0x00001234 | 0x01 |          | 0x03 |            +------+          +------+ 0x00001235 | 0x02 |          | 0x02 |            +------+          +------+ 0x00001236 | 0x03 |          | 0x01 |            +------+          +------+ 

for example, check out debug session:

c:\src> debug  -a 100 1388:0100 db 1,2,3,4 1388:0104 db 9,8,7,6 1388:0108  -d 100 10f 1388:0100  01 02 03 04 09 08 07 06-00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00   ................  -q  c:\src> _ 

you can see 1, 2, 3 , 4 (in order) go memory locations 0x0100 through 0x0103 , 9, 8, 7 , 6 (again, in specified order) go memory locations 0x0104 through 0x0107.


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