setting timestamps for audio samples in directshow graph -

i developing directshow audio decoder filter, decode ac3 audio. filter used in live graph, decoding ts multicast. demuxer (mainconcept) provides me audio data demuxed, not provide timestamps sample.

how can get/compute correct timestamp of audio?

each ac-3 frame embeds data 6 * 256 samples. sampling rate can 32 khz, 44.1 khz or 48 khz (as defined ac-3 specification digital audio compression standard (ac-3, e-ac-3)). frames not carry timestamps, needs assume continuous stream , increment time stamps respectively. mentioned source live, might need re-adjust time stamps on data starvation.

each ac-3 frame of fixed length (which can identify bitstream header), might checking if demultiplexer giving single ac-3 frame or few in batch.


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