PHP MYSQL while change field name each time -

i have database store people's quick links. basic quick link storage method. database looks this:

full_name | 1url | 1name | 2url | 2name | 3url |3 name | 4url |4name | 5url | 5name

^this goes on until 10. know bad way, unprofessional website.

i want put result ordered list. unsure how change number (1url or 2url) each time?

so have set in php

$result = mysql_query(select * `links` `full_name`='$loggedin')or die (mysql_error());    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){      echo '<li><a href="';      echo $row['1url'];      echo '"></a></li>';                } 

but having no luck that! i'm unsure of should do. want display <li> <a> , link plus name of link each row found.

thanks! please specific me, new ground! :d


i have run problem. have used code peoples' answers , of them work. however, if 1 of fields blank (so user has 6 quick links) still shows <li>. can't see anyway round issue. :/


here works:

while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){      for($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++) {         if(!trim($row[$i . 'url'])=='') {           echo '<li><a href="';          echo $row[$i . 'url'];          echo '">';          echo $row[$i . 'name'];          echo '</a></li>';         } //end of didn't trim        }//end for }//end of while 

$result = mysql_query("select * `links` `full_name`='$loggedin'")or die (mysql_error());    while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)){      for($i = 1; $i < 10; $i++)      {          echo '<li><a href="';          echo $row[$i . 'url'];          echo '"></a></li>';      }                } 

mind you, pretty hacky... have implemented 3 columns (maybe 4 using autoincrement sort) , select rows based on user, emitting each row. removes 10 url limit.


for second question, have @ php 'empty' function , break/continue loop if function returns true.


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