exception - SAXParseException and UnmarshalException -

i trying deal these exception. example when user, loads invalid xml file, saxparseexception thrown , asked load file.

it seems "catch" won't work here.

here's code:

public void parsexml_from_file (file xml_file)     {         try {               jaxbcontext jc = jaxbcontext.newinstance ("generated");             //creating unmarshaller.            unmarshaller u = jc.createunmarshaller ();             //using file approach            system.out.println("using file approach:");            jaxbelement element = (jaxbelement) u.unmarshal(xml_file);            test_class maintest = (test_class) element.getvalue ();           } catch (jaxbexception  e)         {            e.printstacktrace ();         }catch (saxparseexception e)             //do         }catch (unmarshalexception e)            //do        }     } 

even, wont work

catch (jaxbexception,saxparseexception,unmarshalexception e) {   //do } 

@don robi

this get:

exception in thread "main" java.lang.error: unresolved compilation problems:      type jaxbexception not generic; cannot parameterized arguments <saxparseexception, unmarshalexception>     syntax error on token ",", < expected     syntax error, insert ">" complete referencetype1      @ xml_parser.parsexml_from_file(xml_parser.java:64)     @ main_class.main(main_class.java:13) 

the exception indicates compilation exception. once errors fixed in xml_parser class should jaxb behaviour expecting.

exception in thread "main" java.lang.error: unresolved compilation problems:      type jaxbexception not generic; cannot parameterized arguments <saxparseexception, unmarshalexception>     syntax error on token ",", < expected     syntax error, insert ">" complete referencetype1      @ xml_parser.parsexml_from_file(xml_parser.java:64)     @ main_class.main(main_class.java:13) 


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