db4o: LINQ equivalent of SODA query? -

for db4o, i'm trying find linq code generates following soda:

    var query = db4o.db.query();     query.descend("symbol");             query.descend("_symbolglobal").constrain("apple");     query.descend("_date"); // add date constraint here.     iobjectset result = query.execute(); 

all soda drop down tree end node. example, if wanted select "apple" date "2010-10-18", return "apples on thursday".

data structure:

root ----symbol (apple)                    |          |------day 1: date: 2010-10-18, string "apples on thursday"    |          |------day 2: date: 2010-10-19, string "apples on friday"    |    |    |-----symbol (pear)                              |------day 1: date: 2010-10-18, string "pears on thursday"               |------day 2: date: 2010-10-19, string "pears on friday" 

here first attempt, doesn't work getting cross product (i.e. looking @ every possible combination). can't use join, db4o object database , don't have access id each object, in rdbms.

    var stringfordayandsymbol = s in db4o.db.query<symbol>(a => a.symbolglobal == "apple")                           t in db4o.db.query<date>(b => b.date == new datetime(2010, 10, 20))                           select new                           {                             s.symbolglobal,                             t.date,                             t.meta                           }; 

do directly want descent "symbol" query.descend("symbol");? guess want constrain type 'symbol'. assume meant this:

var query = db4o.db.query(); query.constrain(typeof(symbol));         query.descend("_symbolglobal").constrain("apple"); query.descend("_date"); // add date constraint here. iobjectset result = query.execute(); 

not 100% sure, should this:

// assume here field _symbolglobal accessable property symbolglobal // , field _date accessable property date var result = symbol s in db4o.db             s.symbolglobal == "apple"               select s.date; 


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