c# - Process.Start throws Win32 Exception Access is Denied on Windows XP Machines -

i'm attempting call executable using process.start , throwing win32 exception on windows xp machines. console application installed on machine.

here's example of code:

var path = @"c:\mycoolpath\file.exe"; var content = "my cool content";  using (var process = process.start(new processstartinfo(path, content)))        process.waitforexit(); 

here's stack trace: system.componentmodel.win32exception (0x80004005): access denied @ system.diagnostics.process.startwithshellexecuteex(processstartinfo startinfo) @ system.diagnostics.process.start() @ system.diagnostics.process.start(processstartinfo startinfo)

anyone have advice on getting work on windows xp machines?

using useshellexecute = false processstartinfo lets work.


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